Business owners and people who lost their jobs are desperate to serve and get income. Our life experience, skills and unique set of strengths and abilities, are the key factors in our future jobs.


Unfortunately I have learned the hard way that you shouldn’t risk your life doing things that are not related to your real dreams. It can literally kill you too early! It impacts our health and our life quality.

The world is full of people who are working for prestige and high income, without really being happy and enthusiastic about it. Gallup study found that 85% of people globally are not engaged with their work.

Through decades of failure, experimentation and the acquisition of skills, I have developed a coaching program that raises the engagement in our worlds work cultures.

I would like to make this program fully automatic. So more people in our worlds workforce can be pleased and live a fulfilling and healthy life.

Average rating by customers is 9,5 (out of 10). Recommendation rating is 100%

What it does

Coaching program helps individuals, business owners and corporate teams to get clarity, what is their unique set of strengths, skills and life experiences, they can use to serve the right kind of people who are looking for that service or product.

In this unique program people learn:

  • what is it that they truly care about, they’re passionate about
  • who are the people they care about
  • what is their deeper WHY which subconsciously guide them
  • what is their unique ability, that separates them from all the competition
  • what is their unique origin story that speaks to the target audience

How I built it

So far I have done this live coaching program under my own personal brand. Find out more

To build a new digital, fully automatic and interactive coaching program – This is something I struggle with. I´m looking for developers who would jump in and build this interactive program with me. I have learned that normal bot is not a solution. As the machine needs to make some conclusions from the answers as well.

Challenges I ran into

Building a global business is no one-person job. I need a team who would help with this big mission.

Accomplishments that I’m proud of

  • I have helped lots of people getting on the right track with this program. High recommendation and satisfaction rates speak to its self.
  • I´m publishing a book on the same topic. The book will be a good marketing tool for this interactive, fully automated coaching program as well.
  • I have a supportive network from all over the world.

What I learned

To help more people I need to make this program digital and fully automated. With just selling coaching hours, I’m not willing to help too many people.

What’s next for A Unique Concept

I´m eager to develop an interactive and fully automatic coaching program that helps to change the world’s workforce. Developer(s) and UX person needed.

Though I am a marketing/branding person myself, getting high-quality traffic, with the message to be delivered to the target audience, is a challenge. Marketers needed (SEO, SEM people, content creators too)

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