The best first move in chess

The best first move in chess

In chess, as in life, the beginning and the first move made are crucial. Chess is a complex game that requires perseverance, concentration, constant thinking, and the ability to anticipate the opponent’s moves before they make them.

The first move in chess, or the chess opening, is of paramount importance for establishing early dominance in the chess game and gaining an advantage over the opponent on the other side of the board. If played well and wisely, it can be said that half of the chess game is already won. Therefore, the following lines are dedicated precisely to that move, which can be decisive.

What are the best first moves in chess that can be played?

As chess is a game that has occupied the minds of people for centuries, it has developed through theory and countless played chess games. Thus, the thoughts on chess openings have changed and evolved. It can be freely said that to this day, there has not been a single conclusion about what the best first move in chess is.

However, there are chess openings that have proven to be good through many chess games and have led to the ultimate goal of every chess game, which is checkmating the opponent.

Some of these first moves in chess that have brought results to professionals, masters, and grandmasters, as well as to those who play chess out of love and enthusiasm.

E4 – King’s Pawn Opening

This move is considered one of the best first moves that can be played because it is aggressive and shows good results. This chess opening starts by allowing White to open the path for the queen and bishop, thus enabling fast development and control of the central part of the board. From this first move in chess arises the Spanish Opening, which focuses on establishing a constant presence of pieces in the center of the board and thus exerting pressure on the opponent with the black pieces. The strategy of this chess opening is based on complex combinations, which, if played well, lead to the end of the game.

D4 – Queen’s Pawn Opening

One chess opening that is now considered classic is the queen’s pawn opening. The aim of this move is to dominate the center of the board and prepare for further development of pieces, which includes the queen and bishops. Such first chess moves can lead to numerous move variations where understanding of the game is of crucial importance. One variation of this move is the Queen’s Gambit and the Indian Defense. These moves are defensive but provide the opportunity for further development of the game leading to checkmating the opponent.

C4 – English Opening

This chess opening begins with the move 1.C4, which is a somewhat less conventional opening but still effective in creating moves that can confuse the opponent. With this chess opening, the game is somewhat prolonged and opens up the battle for control of the chessboard. Such a first chess move is particularly favored by players who want to be less predictable to their opponents and enjoy positional chess games.

This first move in chess is especially good in games against opponents who primarily rely on routine moves because it offers a very wide range of potential maneuvers with the pieces and allows for making plans for victory.

Réti Opening – Rf3

The first move in chess, known as the Réti Opening, gives the player with the white pieces the opportunity to be flexible when considering the further development of their pieces, while also preventing Black from responding with classic moves. Later in the game, this opening can transition into different systems of play, which, it must be admitted, depend on the moves made by the opponent with the black pieces but are difficult to counter, especially at the very beginning of the game.

This first move in chess is valued by players who have the ability to change plans and thinking during the course of the game, depending on how their pieces are positioned on the chessboard.

Bishop’s Fianchetto – G3

The first move in chess, 1.g3, is an introduction to placing the bishop in a fianchetto position on G2. With this move, the bishop gains very strong control over the long diagonal of the board. This move is used in Catalan and even in certain versions of the English Opening. They can provide a strong foundation for further development of the game, which is based on long positional play. This chess opening is particularly effective when facing an opponent who utilizes wide control of the center of the board and gives White the opportunity to create a better position that is crucial in later stages of the game.

Those who understand chess understand the world. Therefore, becoming good at this game means discovering the ancient secret of patience, tactics, and quick thinking.

You can learn all chess tactics and techniques in our carefully curated chess courses for all skill levels. Our grandmaster chess coach has combined his years of chess experience from tournaments, chess clubs and lessons to give you the most optimal and fun way to master the chessboard.

The best first move in chess is sometimes decisive for victory. What are you waiting for? It’s time for chess!

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How to Get Better at Chess?

How to Get Better at Chess?

Chess is more than just a game. Its significance extends through the culture and history of almost all nations worldwide, as it knows no boundaries of depth and complexity. Therefore, it’s no wonder that it has attracted people from all walks of life for centuries.

Through moving pieces on the chessboard, the strength of intellect, sense of strategy, and fighting spirit are demonstrated. Thus, to become better at this game, often referred to as the “royal game,” requires constant learning, effort, and daily dedication.

However, even if approached with great passion regardless of experience and knowledge, there are tips that can help to consistently progress from game to game and become better at chess.

Better Understanding of Chess

Chess is not just a game of making moves and shifting pieces across the board. It’s much more than that. Chess is a game of ideas, concepts, and schemes. Therefore, to completely master the skill of chess, it’s important to better understand its basic principles. These primarily include controlling the center of the board, development and value of pieces, as well as opening, middle game, and endgame techniques.

Develop Mental Skills

Chess is a game that demands mental agility. To become better at chess, it’s necessary to further develop skills such as analytical thinking, planning, and better concentration. This can be achieved through solving chess problems or tactical puzzles. Doing so will make one a sharper and more skilled chess player.

Developing Intuition

Apart from intellect, chess is also a game that requires strong intuition. By developing intuition, which involves anticipating opponents’ moves, planning one’s moves in advance, and assessing the position of pieces on the board, anyone who loves playing chess can make quicker and more effective decisions during the game, consequently leading to a checkmate. Developing intuition can be practiced by solving chess problems and analyzing games.

Practice Chess Opening Techniques

A good opening plays a crucial role in the further development of a chess game. Knowing basic types of openings and different variations can greatly assist in laying a solid foundation for a successful game. The importance of opening in chess is evident from the fact that books have been written about it, and great chess masters have analyzed different types of openings. Reading such books is an excellent way to delve into the essence and develop a diverse repertoire of opening strategies.

Analyzing Chess Games and Learning from Mistakes

Analyzing playing chess games and learning from one’s own mistakes is crucial for progress in chess. By studying chess matches, one can identify and understand mistakes made, and thus come to the conclusion of what could have been played better. This way, repeating the same mistakes can be prevented.

Learning from Chess Grandmasters and Playing with Stronger Opponents

To become better at anything in life, one must first learn and then compete with those better than oneself. Chess is no different in this regard. Studying chess matches played by grandmasters can provide insight into how chess is played when the best players face each other, as well as into their tactics and strategies. Playing chess with opponents stronger than oneself is also an ideal way to improve. By observing moves and thought processes, new skills can be developed and an even better understanding of chess can be achieved.

Chess Courses and Training

Thanks to the internet, online chess has become a very good way to improve and progress. Today, there are already many platforms that offer courses and training for learning chess at different levels, from initial moves to more complicated methods. A general recommendation is to follow courses and training that cover a wide range of topics, from openings to checkmate, as well as those that offer interactive games and tasks.

Chess District

One of the best platforms that help to become a better chess player is Chess District. This, one could freely say, chess network offers plenty of opportunities for improvement and progress. From an interactive community, training, to articles and video materials. What sets it apart is its approach to learning through a community where chess players share their experiences and tactics.

Chess, like love and music, can make a person happy. Therefore, it should be given a chance and doors to continuous learning should be opened, because only in this way can a person progress and become better.

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Top 9 New Technology Trends for 2021

Top 9 New Technology Trends for 2021

Today, technology is evolving rapidly and continuously. In the uncertain times, we live in, we are increasingly dependent on it. Whether for work, science, or pure pleasure.


So it is not harmful to see what are the new technological trends that mark the year 2021. However, attention should also be paid to predictions for 2021 every SMBs must know.


Here is a list of 9 technological trends that mark the year 2021:


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Robotic Process Automation (PRA)

Edge Computing

Quantum Computing

Virtual Reality


Internet of Things (IoT)


Cyber Security



  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The digital age has opened many unknown doors. However, there are also old, almost forgotten inventions that are completely changing the world today.


One of them is, of course, artificial intelligence. But, of course, we have introduced to artificial intelligence a long time ago through films and series with especially science fiction content.


What exactly is artificial intelligence?


Artificial intelligence is a science that aims to develop programs that will allow computers to behave intelligently. Therefore, we must mention the Turing test. It is a test that checks the brightness of a computer.


His goal is to see if a computer can think like a human. So far, none have passed.


Types of artificial intelligence?


There are several types of artificial intelligence. These are:


Jet machines

Machines with limited memory

Mind theory



Jet machines react to the environment and the situation. They have no memory of previous actions. Therefore, each activity is focused on a specific problem.


These machines can not form memories or apply previous experiences. Instead, they react to the world as they see it at that moment.


Machines with limited memory have a short-term memory that they can use when performing some tasks.


For example, driverless cars use this system.  It can also track the road, other drivers, and their speed at the same time.


Mind theory is the future of artificial intelligence. The goal is to create machines that will be able to make decisions independently and perform complex tasks. Apart from science, psychology also studies this field.


Consciousness is the ultimate step of artificial intelligence. It is self-awareness and understanding of one’s own needs.


Artificial intelligence and future jobs


An interesting topic. There are two opinions. The first is more optimistic that AI will create more jobs rather than take them away. According to some estimates, more than 50,000 new occupations will appear.

On the other hand, there is a fear that machines will take over people’s jobs. For example, intelligence is already widely used in medicine and banking.


That is why there is a tendency that routine appointments will be taken over by machines like those in factories or at the counter.



The influence of artificial intelligence on society


The possibilities offered by artificial intelligence are limitless. However, there is some controversy about that. The biggest is whether artificial intelligence is a danger to humans. And second, how it will affect today’s business.


Many world experts such as Stephen Hawking and Iron Mask have expressed their opinions regarding AI. They agreed that terrible consequences can occur without the control of artificial intelligence, like the ones we have seen in science fiction movies.


Elon Musk, therefore, creates controlled conditions for the development of artificial intelligence.  This is essentially his response to the potential lag in human development about machines.


Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, on the other hand, disagree with their opinion. They see unlimited potential and therefore support every kind of development of AI.


Time will tell which of them is right.

AI today


Due to people’s ignorance of artificial intelligence, organizations that raise awareness about this phenomenon appear worldwide.


With each new day, new ways of applying artificial intelligence are encountered. New variations of the AI algorithm are changing our reality and are slowly entering all aspects of our lives.


They open up new possibilities and make our daily lives more manageable.





  1. Robotic Process Automation (PRA)

The development of technology leads to the automation of the work process. The term robot is increasingly coming into everyday use. There are industries in which automation has taken over more than half of business processes.


This means that workers get rid of annoying, frustrating tasks. So they can focus on decision-making tasks. Robots integrate into any system and report on their progress.


What is PRA?


As technology evolves, especially automation processes, robots are entering everyday use. Many industries have already automated more than half of their activities.


Today, employees perform tasks that require speed and accuracy. These jobs generally do not require them to make decisions. On the other hand, robots are always active and do not make mistakes.


In this way, employees are relieved of difficult and frustrating tasks. In addition, robots can be easily programmed and trained to quickly integrate into any system.


They can report on their own progress and thus facilitate business forecasting.


Digitization and PRA


Digitization has dramatically improved business processes and led to the use of robots in the automation process. As a result, technology will increase significantly in the coming years.


Benefits of PRA


The most significant benefit of PRA is the low cost. It is a very economical option for all companies who manage activities and employees.


In addition, due to the automation process, the return on investment is from 30% to 200%. It also increases employee productivity and efficiency. It reduces costs and solves the problem of bureaucracy.



3.Edge Computing

EDGE computing is the next big thing in the IT industry. However, digitization creates large amounts of data and needs to be processed and made available at all times.


That is why it is essential to bring data processing closer to where the data is created.


What is Edge Computing?


Edge computing is the decentralization of data processing. This brings us a different approach and brings a new approach to data processing.


That is why it is necessary to support all this with an infrastructure to create more EDGE centers. The EDGE infrastructure is straightforward. It can be configured according to every need.

  1. Quantum Computing


Quantum Computing can very quickly solve problems that we have so far considered unsolvable. When Quantum Computing appeared, classical computing changed drastically.


The potential is great, so big companies, states, and schools invest a lot of money into the development of this new technology. However, we should understand that Quantum Computing is still an area that is not fully explored.


What is Quantum Computing?


In essence, all computers are quantum. The difference is that quantum computers use certain principles of quantum physics. In addition, these computers apply quantum logic. The smallest unit is the qubit, which can be 0 or 1.



  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality allows us to experience a specific action by changing perception. VR  is an illusion of the fact that exists within the software.


There are several different VR systems. Some use smartphones or computers. What they have in common is that they have to have a game console.


How does virtual reality work?


VR is simulating an experience and creating a sense of presence. It is necessary to use tools that imitate sight, sound, and touch for that to happen.


The primary hardware used is the screen. Usually, a display covering the eyes is placed over the head. So all sensations are blocked except the one obtained through the VR system. That’s how you can feel like you’ve entered a movie or a game.


What can virtual reality do for a living?


Virtual reality is mainly connected as a way to play games or watch movies in the cinema. However, there are many other ways to need VR.




Apart from games, virtual reality can best be used in education. Real experiences can be used, but without the possible risks they carry.

The best examples are flying a plane, parachuting, or performing complicated operations.






VR can also be used in marketing. For example, Vr can be used for shopping without physically going to the store.











  1. Blockchain

Blockchain is a database that is not in one place. Instead, it consists of smaller databases that are digitally interconnected. They contain information on digital transactions of any kind.


Unlike ordinary databases, Blockchain is a technology that enables communication with several different computers between which transactions take place.



  1. Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things is a network of interconnected devices that have some integrated software.


What are the benefits of IoT?


The advantages are fast and efficient optimization with minimal human involvement and time savings.


What makes the IoT?


Any device that connects to the Internet can be converted to IoT. As a result, it is a widely used technology in both the private and business worlds.


These can range from toys to much more complex things like jet engines. They use many sensors that are used to collect data.


How widespread is IoT?


More and more. It sounds interesting that there are more IoT devices today than there are people in the world.


In 2017, a total of $ 8.4 billion was spent on IoT devices. Analysts at Gunter predict that the number of IoT devices will soon exceed 20 billion.



What are the benefits of IoT for consumers?



IoT allows us to make our environment more innovative and easier to use. It can be offices, homes, cars. IoT devices are used to measure noise levels and environmental pollution.


However, it is considered harmful that such innovations can enter people’s privacy too much.


  1. 5G


Although often at the center of various conspiracy theories, the 5G network brings excellent improvements over the previous 4G network.


But, of course, the main advantage of a 5G network is speed. It is 100 times faster than a 4G network. Another advantage over a 4G network is less network latency.


This is the time it takes for devices to communicate with each other or with the server.


  1. Cyber Security

As information technology evolves, there is a growing need for Cyber Security. It means preventing unauthorized access to data. Cyber Security evaluates the security of the integrator and the availability of information.


Numerous security rules and detailed security procedures and protocols emphasize the importance of Cyber Security.




Presentation Design Guide: How To Sum Up Information For Presentations

Presentation Design Guide: How To Sum Up Information For Presentations

Perfectly done presentations are a great support to your business presentation. In addition, the quality of the presentation itself can be a significant factor that can help you progress.


The basic rule of any good presentation is that those who listen to you must understand the message you want to convey. For that reason, your performance should be full of arguments that a good presentation will accompany. Keywords


Some general rules can make a miracle out of your presentation when applied. These rules apply to all types of productions.


Get to know your audience.

One of the most important rules for preparing a good presentation is to get to know the audience as well as possible.


How to do it?


Ask about the structure of the audience before you accept to give a presentation, about education, age, material status. So you can customize it to the audience.


On the other hand, you decide which audience feature is most important for your presentation to be well received. Finally, you determine who your target group is about your presentation.


If you hold the same presentation multiple times, it is easiest to repeat it. However, although the audience is almost the same in structure, change something. People like that something is prepared just for them.



Be your own

No matter how you adapt the presentation and yourself to the audience, you still want to stay on your own. That’s how your audience will gain trust. The last thing you want to happen to you is that the audience listening to you doesn’t trust you.


How won’t they believe you?


If you try to be something you are not during the presentation, it can look like bad acting. Bad acting when you want to “sell” an idea leads to failure. That’s why you don’t want to look unnatural.


Two minor things can help you feel comfortable and confident. First, wear comfortable clothes and believe what you say.



Be an audience

The first step of any good presentation is to put yourself in the audience position. Then, make it just for yourself. The way you would like to see it, to be interesting to you.


If it’s not interesting to you, it won’t be to the audience that listens to it.


It’s simple. You don’t want to make a presentation for the first time in front of an audience. So practice beforehand. When you say it out loud for the first time, you will see if it still needs improvement.


You realize you still need to work on it. Do not memorize sentences or phrases. It can hurt the audience. If you suffer from anxiety, learn the first sentences by heart because the rest of the presentation will flow smoothly.



Introduction elaborates a conclusion

The audience should know why they are there, where they are going, and where they are now. It is the basis of any clear presentation. Therefore, each presentation should have an introduction, elaboration, and conclusion.


You don’t want to confuse people who listen to you. So first, explain to them why they are there. Then, give them a reason why the topic matters. Finally, explain what the goal of the presentation is and how you will achieve it.


Then lay the foundation of the story. Finally, explain to the audience all the essentials of your presentation. Only then proceed to the elaboration in which you explain how you concluded.


Finally, the essence of the whole story follows. Conclusion. The point of the entire story. Emphasize that part, in particular, to clarify that this is the essence of the presentation.



In the end, finish the presentation gradually by summarizing everything you said.



You should always know what the keywords of your presentation are. During the presentation, a lot of information is presented. There are words, slides.


The audience remembers a good presentation and will be able to retell it tomorrow. After a week, the audience will remember only some parts of it. After a year, if the presentation manages to summarize your presentation in three words, you have succeeded.


So divide the presentation into keywords. The easiest way to do this is to try to summarize the whole story in a few words. Then, when you decide on the right keywords, all you have to do is repeat them throughout the presentation.



Don’t overdo it

Even if you put in a lot of effort, don’t overdo it with information. It is enough for the audience to get a general picture of the presentation and remember its essence.

Leave everything that is not the most important, and you want to say for the end in the auxiliary slides. Don’t overdo it with malts, either. The rule is one slide per minute.


Also, pay attention to the text. Too much text on malts is hard to keep track of.


Follow the audience

Look at the audience during the presentation. That will make you more convincing. You will be more accessible and open, and the audience who listens to you will trust you more. That’s how your presentation will be more successful.




It is crucial to know that the audience is most annoyed when the one talking exaggerates with time. The presentation can be brilliant, but if it lasts too long, the audience will be angry, which is the last thing you want.

You must respect your time, as well as the time of the people who listen to you.

Begining of presentation


  • The slide that starts the presentation should contain the title of the topic you will talk about and your name and surname.


  • The following slide should show the content of the presentation itself. All the following should follow the items from the range.


  • It is imperative to establish a logical flow of the presentation. It should not be allowed to turn into a series of slides with lists, text, tables, and pictures. Instead, turn everything into a story with flow and action.





  • You lose your audience with too much text. The slides will seem messy, and the audience will focus on reading the text rather than listening to what you are saying.


  • Instead of whole sentences, the text should only be in the theses to set you up for what you are talking about.



  • There should be a maximum of 4 or 5 points on one slide. Do not write whole paragraphs or sentences. If you need definitions, they should be in quotations or only the most essential parts.





  • The audience will not be able to read the small font and will get tired. Therefore, the minimum font size recommended is 18 pt, while the most appropriate is 24 pt.


  • Take care of the size of the room in which you make the presentation. The text should be legible and clear to the people sitting in the back.


  • Use a font size of 40 or 44 pt for the title.


  • If you have a sub-thesis, it should be a smaller font than the thesis itself.


  • Use fonts like Arial Times New Roman or Vedrana because if you use non-standard fonts, there is a possibility that they will not be on the computer on which you are playing the presentation.


  • Always use only one font type. Writing in different fonts can seem unprofessional.


  • Do not use decorative fonts.


  • Use bold when you want to highlight the most crucial information.


  • If you can avoid capitalization, the audience will think you are shouting at them.



The color


  • The color should contrast with the background you are using.


  • When you want to emphasize something, use a different color of the text.


  • Don’t express your creativity in font colors. Too many different colors tire and distract the audience.





  • Show all the data from the tables in graphs. It is because they are easier to remember, more transparent, and more understandable.


  • All charts must have a title.


  • The chart must be large enough for everyone to read easily.



People remember pictures longer. Therefore they can be used to visualize information. The image must therefore be in line with the theme and message that the presentation carries.


  • A good slide has efficiently arranged images and text.
  • A small picture in the corner makes no sense.
  • Do not use low-resolution images.
  • Don’t use pictures just for decoration.



  • Always use only one type of transition between slides.


  • Carefully choose the animations you will use as they can be distracting.


  • Take care of the animation speed.


  • Avoid sound effects.


  • Carefully evaluate when the animation will go automatically and when by clicking the mouse.


  • Don’t overdo it with animations.



Slide design

  • Use simple backgrounds. You can download many free templates.


  • Always use the same background.


  • Don’t use too many colorful backgrounds.


  • Do not use backgrounds on which the text will be difficult to read.


End of presentation

  • Always conclude at the end of the presentation.


  • Leave your contact information on the last slide.


  • Record your presentation on different versions of PowerPoint and always carry it on multiple other memories.


  • Always come a little early. So you will have time to try out your presentation and set up all the necessary techniques.
A Unique Concept

A Unique Concept

Business owners and people who lost their jobs are desperate to serve and get income. Our life experience, skills and unique set of strengths and abilities, are the key factors in our future jobs.


Unfortunately I have learned the hard way that you shouldn’t risk your life doing things that are not related to your real dreams. It can literally kill you too early! It impacts our health and our life quality.

The world is full of people who are working for prestige and high income, without really being happy and enthusiastic about it. Gallup study found that 85% of people globally are not engaged with their work.

Through decades of failure, experimentation and the acquisition of skills, I have developed a coaching program that raises the engagement in our worlds work cultures.

I would like to make this program fully automatic. So more people in our worlds workforce can be pleased and live a fulfilling and healthy life.

Average rating by customers is 9,5 (out of 10). Recommendation rating is 100%

What it does

Coaching program helps individuals, business owners and corporate teams to get clarity, what is their unique set of strengths, skills and life experiences, they can use to serve the right kind of people who are looking for that service or product.

In this unique program people learn:

  • what is it that they truly care about, they’re passionate about
  • who are the people they care about
  • what is their deeper WHY which subconsciously guide them
  • what is their unique ability, that separates them from all the competition
  • what is their unique origin story that speaks to the target audience

How I built it

So far I have done this live coaching program under my own personal brand. Find out more

To build a new digital, fully automatic and interactive coaching program – This is something I struggle with. I´m looking for developers who would jump in and build this interactive program with me. I have learned that normal bot is not a solution. As the machine needs to make some conclusions from the answers as well.

Challenges I ran into

Building a global business is no one-person job. I need a team who would help with this big mission.

Accomplishments that I’m proud of

  • I have helped lots of people getting on the right track with this program. High recommendation and satisfaction rates speak to its self.
  • I´m publishing a book on the same topic. The book will be a good marketing tool for this interactive, fully automated coaching program as well.
  • I have a supportive network from all over the world.

What I learned

To help more people I need to make this program digital and fully automated. With just selling coaching hours, I’m not willing to help too many people.

What’s next for A Unique Concept

I´m eager to develop an interactive and fully automatic coaching program that helps to change the world’s workforce. Developer(s) and UX person needed.

Though I am a marketing/branding person myself, getting high-quality traffic, with the message to be delivered to the target audience, is a challenge. Marketers needed (SEO, SEM people, content creators too)

Built With

Derbi Della Madonnina

Derbi Della Madonnina

Italija je zemlja vina, mode, i fudbala. Vodimo vas na jedan od najvatrenijih gradskih derbija ne samo Italije, nego i Evrope. Oseti atmosferu derbija Della Madonnina sa najvatrenijim pristalicama Milana ili Intera. I ako možeš da se opreliš za koga ćeš da navijas.

Grad Milano je od 1908 godine podeljen na dva dela. Jedni nose crveno-crne boje, drugi plavo-crne. Razlog podele nije politika, ni moda, ni vino. Razlog je fudbal. Jer od 1908 godine derbi Della Madolinna igraju Milan i Inter. Budi deo spektakla koji se prepričava generacijama.

Novogodišnja romantika

Novogodišnja romantika

Da li je romatnika postala antika?

U brzom vremenu u kojem živimo čini se da jeste.

Zato je Nova godina pravo vreme za predah i buđenje romantike koja je dremala u vama tokom godine. A ima li boljeg načina za to nego posetiti grad na sedam brežulajka gde će te se sa vašom ljubavi vinuti do “sedmog neba”.

Tako leteći visoko na oblaku romantike imaćete jedinstvenu priliku da iz jedne sasvim druge perspektive doživite Rim, taj “večni grad za zaljubljene”. Ako uz put sretnete Veneru svratite sa njom do Panteona, hrama svih bogova, gde će vas boginja ljubavi u društvu sa dobrim Bahusom ponuditi slatkim nektarom svih bogova.

Ovakav let može trajati dugo da bi obišli sve što Rim ima da ponudi, ali ipak se u Novogodišnjoj noći spustite na Pjacu di Popolo i kraj čuvene fontane di Trevi. Legenda kaže da kad sat otkuca ponoć bacite novčić u fontanu i Novogišnja želja će vam se ispuniti.

Na kraju ovog romantičnog Novogodišnjeg putovanja zaključajte katanac vaše ljubavi na mostu Ponte Milivio i ne zaboravite.

Svi putevi vode u Rim.

5 books that can help Product managers

5 books that can help Product managers

Whether you are just entering the world of business or if you are already have some experience, you need to constantly improve your knowledge. In this text, we will present five books that can help you.

1. A Guide to the Project Management: Body of Knowledge: PMBOK® Guide (Sixth Edition)

This book, published in 2017, gathers the practical knowledge concerning product management both for beginners and for experienced users – all in one place! If you are enrolled in a product management course this guide is the right literature for you. The book is accessible both through Amazon shopping as well as on your own Kindl device.

2. Project Management Absolute Beginner’s Guide

If you are a beginner in the world of product management this book is for you. Author Gregory Horine presents his 20 years of experience in this piece that answers all the questions that may be troubling you at the beginning of your career. The book achieved its fourth edition in February 2017.

3.The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management

A book written by Eric Verzuh, president of the Versatile training company for product managers since 1990, addresses both experienced product managers and those who are just entering this world. The new fifth edition was released in 2015 and can be purchased for $ 18.79 in print.

4.Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling

This book, published in 2013, has become a must-read both for students of PM, as well as for professionals studying for a certification exam. The author Harold Kerzner, Ph.D. discusses the practical things every product manager needs to learn.

5.Guide to Project Management: Getting it Right and Achieving Lasting Benefit

This book, that takes the reader step by step through the world of project menagment is great for those taking their first steps in business. On 386 pages, Paul Roberts has changed the concept of product management and his book definately deserves to be on this list.

Mobilne aplikacije

Mobilne aplikacije

Zašto su Andorid i IOS aplikacije vaša prilika?
Da li znate se broj korisnika pametnih telefona i tablet aparata iz godine u godinu povećava? Ako je odgovor potvrdan onda znate da kvalitetno razvijene Android i IOS aplikacije mogu da pomognu da se vaše ideje probiju do korisnika širom sveta i pretvore njihove uređaje u vaše reklamne, prodajne ili komunikacione kanale. U prilog popularnosti Android i IOS aplikacijama govori preko milijardu prodatih uređaja zasnovih na Androidu ili IOSu, i njihovoj rasprostranjenoj upotrebi kako u poslovnom tako i u privatnom životu. Da je to istina potvrđuje i velik broj aplikacija koje se mogu preuzeti ili kupiti u Play store i AP store čime Google i Apple održavaju kvalitet na visokom nivou. Od vaših prioriteta zavisi da li su vam potrebnije Andorid ili IOS aplikacije, njih je podjednako lako povezati sa velikim brojem polularnih web servisa kao i sa bazama podataka sa kojih se lako može preuzimati sadržaj. Nemojte se pitati da li ste na pravom mestu, pošto su aplikacije koje izrađujemo prilagođene najnovijim verzijama Android ili IOS operativnih sistema, i time se koriste sve mogućnosti koje ti sistemi pružaju. Takođe vodimo računa da vaše aplikacije budu kompatibilne i sa starijim verzijama Andorid i IOS operativinim sistemima i na taj način budu podržane na širokom spektru uređaja. Znamo da su operativni sistemi kod proizvođača različiti po dimenzijama i proporcijama stoga vodimo računa da korisnički interfejs aplikacija bude optimizovan tako da bi se omogućilo da one besprekorno izgledaju nezavisno od dimezija mobilnog telefona, ili tablet aparata na kom se pokreću. Posebnu pažnju dajemo naslovu i opisu aplikacije kao i dizajnu ikonice. Naš progamerski tim čine iskusni, dobro informisani ljudi, kojima rad na novim tehnologijama predstavlja izazov kome teško mogu da odole. Uz pravu promociju vaša aplikacija može da nađe svoj put do velikog broja novih korisnika. To je krajnji cilj, i tu je magija. Na ovom mestu vadimo zeca iz šešira i u priču uvodimo društvene mreže. Profile ćemo koristiti tako da na što bolji način isprmovišemo vašu aplikaciju i dođemo do željene pubilke. To nije sve, imamo još par trikova da vaša Android ili pak IOS aplikacija bude najbolje moguće pozicinirana, ali trebalo bi da znate da svi veliki mađioničari ne pokazuju sve svoje trikove odmah. Da bi ih videli, pozivamo vas da nas posetite, iznesete svoje ideje i zahteve i uživate u predstavi. Iskoristite priliku zakoračite u svet mobilinih aplikacija. Nećete zažaliti!

Sajam knjiga

Sajam knjiga

Da ste glavni junak jedne knjige, koja bi to knjiga bila?

Kome biste dali da “vas napiše”?

Sajam knjiga vam daje priliku da sami izaberete svog autora i zaplovite u avanturu.

Samo pazite. “Knjige mogu biti opasne. Na najbolje bi trebalo staviti upozorenje: Može promeniti život. “ – Helen Eksli